LANWARE INFOTECH (INDIA) PVT LTD is incorporated in Bangalore. LANWARE INFOTECH (INDIA) PVT LTD, is the dedicated business unit serving the region of India. The primary geographical regions of activity of LANWARE INFOTECH (INDIA) PVT LTD include Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi. Our customers include system integrators as well as OEM/ODM manufacturers.
Working as an expert partner we leverage skills in system architecting, consulting, engineering and manufacturing. We deliver extensive pre- and post-sales support that provides value to our customers. LANWARE INFOTECH (INDIA) PVT LTD act as a regional distributors, authorized systems integrators and solution providers in different regions for leading suppliers in Industrial and Factory Automation Products, wireless and wired networking, OEM boards and modules, as well as rugged computing products.
Working as an expert partner we leverage skills in system architecting, consulting, engineering and manufacturing. We deliver extensive pre- and post-sales support that provides value to our customers. LANWARE INFOTECH (INDIA) PVT LTD act as a regional distributors, authorized systems integrators and solution providers in different regions for leading suppliers in Industrial and Factory Automation Products, wireless and wired networking, OEM boards and modules, as well as rugged computing products.

At LANWARE INFOTECH (INDIA) PVTLTD, we are driven by consumer focus, resourcefulness and high-quality products. We expect and demand from ourselves and others the highest ethical standards and our processes and products are incontestable. We recognize and believe that teamwork is the corner stone of LANWARE INFOTECH (INDIA) PVT LTD. We continuously strive for improvement and quality of our products.

In order to fulfill our vision, our mission guides all that we do, here in LANWARE INFOTECH (INDIA) PVT LTD, we dedicated to create and deliver world class technology solution which empowers our clients to reach their business goals. We will apply the highest standards of creativity, integrity, quality and innovation to our products and concepts.